
ElvUI-4.3.4插件整合包 EUI2021最新版ElvUI-4.3.4插件整合包 EUI2021最新版

  • 文件大小:3.34MB
  • 文件语言:zh,en,kor,fra,spa,ru
  • 文件作者:ElvUI-4.3.4
  • 文件来源:https://github.com/ElvUI-Cataclysm/
  • 文件类别:ElvUI434
  • 发布时间:2021-10-14 16:27
这是魔兽世界ElvUI的后向版本 - Cataclysm(4.3.4) ElvUI是一个完整的UI替代品。它完全取代了每个级别的默认暴雪UI,并带有更好的新界面。因此,您只需要更新ElvUI,而不必
ElvUI - 大灾变(年9月份更新的EUI434最新版 这是魔兽世界ElvUI的后向版本 - Cataclysm(4.3.4) ElvUI是一个完整的UI替代品。它完全取代了每个级别的默认暴雪UI,并带有更好的新界面。因此,您只需要更新ElvUI,而不必过多担心其各个组件。此UI将使您的界面更加灵活和实用。 截图: ElvUI大灾变434官方地址:https://github.com/ElvUI-Cataclysm/ElvUI-4.3.4 命令: /ec or /elvui Toggle the configuration GUI. /rl or /reloadui Reload the whole UI. /moveui Open the movable frames options. /bgstats Toggles Battleground datatexts to display info when inside a battleground. /hellokitty Enables the Hello Kitty theme (can be reverted by repeating the command). /hellokittyfix Fixes any colors or borders to default after using /hellokitty. Optional Use. /harlemshake Enables Harlem Shake april fools joke. (DO THE HARLEM SHAKE!) /egrid Toggles visibility of the grid for helping placement of thirdparty addons. /farmmode Toggles the Minimap Farmmode. /in The input of how many seconds you want a command to fire. usage: /in example: /in 1.5 /say hi /enable Enable an Addon. usage: /enable example: /enable AtlasLoot /disable Disable an Addon. usage: /disable example: /disable AtlasLoot --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Development ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /etrace Toggles events window. /luaerror on Enable luaerrors. /luaerror off Disable luaerrors. /cpuimpact Toggles calculations of CPU Impact. Type /cpuimpact to get results when you are ready. /cpuusage Calculates and dumps CPU usage differences (module: all, showall: false, minCalls: 15, delay: 5). /frame Command to grab frame information when mouseing over a frame or when inputting the name. usage: /frame (when mousing over frame) or /frame example: /frame WorldFrame /framelist Dumps frame level information with children and parents. Also places info into copy box. /framestack Toggles dynamic mouseover frame displaying frame name and level information. /resetui If no argument is provided it will reset all frames to their default positions. If an argument is provided it will reset only that frame. example: /resetui uf (resets all unitframes)
ElvUI-4.3.4插件整合包 EUI2021最新版